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Database Tutorial

● How to create MySQL databases in Plesk panel?
To view the list of all the databases follow the steps given below.

Step 1: Login to the Plesk control panel.

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Step 2: Under Websites & Domains, click Databases present at the far right side.

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Add New Database page opens. Provide the Database name in the text box.

Step 5: Select the database type. By default MYSQL type will be selected. If you wish to change, you can choose Microsoft SQL Server from the drop down and click OK.

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● How to Add database user in Plesk?
To add a new database user follow the steps given below.

Step 1: Login to the Plesk control panel. Click Databases under Websites & Domains.

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Step 2: Click on User management.

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Step 3: Click on add Database User

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Step 4: Fill the complete details and click on “ok”

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You will get the message window below

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● How to create and manage user accounts in Plesk?
To create new user account in Plesk control panel follow the steps given below.

i) Click Users tab and select Create User Account under User Accounts.

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ii) Complete the details with required fields.

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iii) You have successfully created the user.

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● How to set user Privilege from MySQL Database?
You can assign the user roles for every users. Based on the roles assigned, they can access the services on your account. To set user roles, follow the steps given below.

Step 1: Login to Plesk panel. Under Users tab, select User Roles.

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Step 2: Click on the required role for which you wish to edit permissions. Here we are going to edit user role permission for the “Application user”

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Click on “ok” and you will get the alert message for the updated user permission as shown in the below image.

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● How to delete a Mysql database in control panel?
To delete Mysql database in the plesk control panel, follow the steps given below.

Step 1: Login to Plesk control panel.
Step 2: Under Websites & Domains,click Databases.

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Step 3: Click Yes to remove the Database.

Selected database will be removed from the Plesk panel as shown below.

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● How to delete or remove Mysql database user in plesk?
To delete the existing Mysql database users in the plesk control panel, proceed with the steps given below.

Step 1: Login to Plesk control panel.
Step 2: Under Websites & Domains, click Databases.
Step 3: Click on User Management

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Step 4: Click Remove.

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The particular database user will be removed as shown in the below image.

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● How to rename MySQL database user in Plesk?
To Rename the existing Mysql database users in the Plesk control panel, proceed with the steps given below.

Step 1: Login to Plesk control panel.
Step 2: Under Websites & Domains, click Databases.
Step 3: Click on User Management

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Step 4: Click on the database you wish to rename.

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Step 5: Edit the changes & click on ok.

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● How to change or reset password of MySQL user in Plesk?
To change password of MySQL user in Plesk control panel, follow the steps given below.

Step 1: Login to Plesk control panel.
Step 2: Under Websites & Domains,click Databases.
Step 3: Under Users tab, click on the required username for which you want to change the password.
Step 4: Provide the new password and retype the same password in the Confirm password field. Click ok

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User password will get updated as shown in the below image.

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